Additional Vixen Workshop added: The Kitten Vixen
Posted by Jana Edele | Filed under News
In addition to our Naughty and Nice Vixen workshop in December, we will also be offering The Kitten Vixen!!!
The Kitten Vixen
In this introductory session of our Vixen Workshop Series we present one of our most popular Velvet Kitten Dancer numbers: If Loving You is Wrong.
This VK exclusive dance teases and pleases with the playful seduction of the Kittens signature style! In a slow and sultry fashion, this VK favorite dresses you up in a white button-up shirt, tie, bowler hat…then slowly dresses you down.
Additional props used in this workshop dance: cane and chair. This sensual burlesque dance is purrfect for anyone feeling a little mischievous and kittenish!
(The If Loving You is Wrong choreography is the artistic property of the VK, solely available through the Velvet Kittens, and is also a standard in our repertoire.)
Visit the upcoming workshop Naughty and Nice Vixen.
We are inviting our students from The Kitten Vixen workshop to perform with us on stage at our next show, Candyland! Performing with us is an invitation you may decline, and is not mandatory for attendance in these workshops. It's an opportunity for you to show off your kittenish Vixen if you so chose!
The Vixen Series will be available at different locations, days, and times beginning and through December. We will be releasing the schedule this week, and registration information.