
Your burlesque definition of the day is: Burletta.

What is a burletta?

By definition: A comic operetta; a music farce.

During what is known as the Golden Age of Burlesque (1900's-1930's) burlettas were performed usually at the beginning and end of each burlesque show. A burletta originally referred to a type of Italian operatic comedy, and later in English Opera. In burlesque, burlettas were extended skits that mocked pop culture of the time and parodied fashionable shows.

A current example would be the holiday tradition of the Nutcracker ballet performed with a lampoon twist in today's burlesque shows.

This burlesque nutcracker is up and running, and continues through December 21, 2008, every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 PM. There is an added 2:30 PM performance on Sunday, December 21st. The show will be presented at the Stone Cottage Theatre in Addison, 15650 Addison Road, Addison, TX 75001. Tickets are $18 to $21 depending on the night of the week. For more information or to purchase tickets visit www.BurlesqueNutcracker.com or call 214-477-4942